Angels FAQ


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Ryder Cup
The Angels team scores a hole in one for the PGA and The Ryder Cup.
See the photos.
Judi was great! ....... Leanne was great! Absolutely fantastic actually. A really nice genuine person, she made the expo a great success and will ask if we can work with her again. A real pleasure to work with.
Jeremy Roth
Sales Director
Crimson Tide

Angels Frequently Asked Questions

At Angels we are always being asked questions about our business, or how we operate or about some of the basics of working in modeling, promotions, exhibitions or VIP Hospitality.  Questions about working in the business are answered in our Advice and Guidance section (select 'Advice' from the menu above). 

In this section of our web site we answer some basic questions about Angels and our business along with answers to many questions we are asked on a day-to-day basis. We have broken the questions into two sections.  The first contains questions we get asked by people who want to join and work for Angels.  The second contains questions asked by companies who want to employ Angels.

I Would Like to Work for Angels   I Would Like to Employ Angels
Click on the Question to jump to the Answer
Q: What qualifications do I need to
    join the Angels team?

Q: Do Angels take on children?

Q: Do Angels take on inexperienced
    models or promotion staff?

Q: Does Angels have exclusive
    agency contracts?

Q: How do I get to be in the Angels
    Web Site “Photographic Library”?

Q: How do I get to be in the Angels
    Web Site “Host & Presenters”

Q: What do I need to send if I am
    enquiring if Angels would be
    interested in me?

Q: Will Angels return my photographs
    if I send them without Angels
    asking me to?

Q: What electronic format will Angels
    accept emailed photographs in?

Q: What electronic format will Angels
    accept Resumes/Bios/CVs in?

Q: What happens if I send
    photographs or information in the
    wrong format?

Q: What amount of work can I
    expect from Angels if I am on
    Angels’ books?

  Q: How much notice does Angels
    require to provide me with models
    or promotion staff?

Q: Will Angels send me advance
    information on available models or
    promotion staff before I make a
    booking commitment?

Q: Do Angels have specific terms of

Q: Are there cancellation charges if
    we book people and then cancel

You Would Like To Work for Angels:

Q: What qualifications do I need to join the Angels team?
You need to be experienced in either the modeling business or the promotions industry and over 18 years of age. Angels is not an agency that takes on beginners or helps beginners break into the business. Neither do we offer or sell training. You will preferably have a minimum of 12 months relevant experience.  Angels deals extensively with the corporate marketplace and has many major companies as its clients. We will only take on people who are well presented, articulate and professional and who will allow us to continue to meet our high standards. Our clients expect that from us when we provide people for their events. Angels also interviews everyone that works for the company and is very selective about new people taken on.
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Q: Does Angels take on children?
No. We do not represent children either for modeling or promotions work. There are other agencies in the market that specialise in child modeling. You must be at least 18 years of age to register with or work for Angels.  
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Q: Does Angels take on inexperienced models or promotion staff?
As a general rule the answer is no. We generally expect a minimum of 12 months relevant experience in modeling or promotions work. If you have less than 12 months experience but still think that Angels should see you, then please email us.  
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Q: Does Angels have exclusive agency contracts?
No. Angels staff are self employed contractors who are registered with Angels on a non-exclusive basis. We do not represent individuals on an exclusive basis nor do we ask for exclusivity as part of our terms for joining the agency. We do not charge fees for representation and do not charge for joining the agency. We source and supply the appropriate people from our registry of talent for our clients needs.
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Q: How do I get to be in the Angels Web Site “Photographic Library”?
Only models and promotions people who are registered with Angels may have their details on our web site in the Photographic Library and this is at the sole discretion of Angels. We do not charge for a web portfolio on our site and we do not accept money to put photographs on our web site.  
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Q: How do I get to be in the Angels Web Site “Host & Presenters” gallery?
Only hosts and presenters who are registered with Angels may have their full bio and experience details on our web site in the Hosts and Presenters section and this is at the sole discretion of Angels. We do not charge for a hosts and presenters portfolio on our site and we do not accept money to put portfolios on our web site.  
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Q: What do I need to send if I am enquiring if Angels would be interested in me?
Please send a Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume/Bio. We will need to know what your background is and what experience you have. As Angels only takes on experienced people, this will be essential. Please also send ONE photograph or ONE comp card/z card. Do not send a complete portfolio of photographs or a stack of comp cards or z cards (see the question below about whether we return photographs). If we want to follow up with you we will ask you for more information or for more photographs as appropriate. We accept electronic mail - see our guidelines on formats for documents and photographs sent by email. Be aware that if you use Hotmail or MSN or AOL or any other similar email system, you will probably be restricted on the size of any attachments you can send. Don’t try and send a 5Mb PhotoShop file! It will not get through.  
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Q: Will Angels return my photographs if I send them without Angels asking me to?
No. We get so many unsolicited photographs sent to us that it is impossible for us to send them back and it would be very costly for us to do so as well. (See question about what to send us). As a general rule we do not send back photographs that have been sent to us unrequested. If you send photographs when we have not asked you to do so, do not expect us to send them back to you. Occasionally we are sent photographs by someone and they will include a stamped self-addressed envelope (SSAE) requesting that we return the photographs - shear volume does not allow us the time required to return photographs. Please do not send anything that you want returned.  Photographs will not be returned.  If the photographs are that important to you, then you should make copies before you send them to Angels! (or any other agency). We cannot be responsible for the return of photographs that are sent unsolicited to Angels.  
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Q: What electronic format will Angels accept emailed photographs in?
Use the industry standard JPEG or JPG format files as these generally have a reasonable quality and are not too big. Emailing large files can be a problem and so TIFF files and PhotoShop files (PSD files) are not recommended. If you are sending electronic photographs for us simply to look at, then 6” x 4” or similar is adequate and as they display very well on a PC (or may be used on the web). We do not need 10 x 8s! (Otherwise we get multi-megabyte in-trays of email every day!) Also you should use a resolution of 72 pixels per inch if you are saving files to send to us as this is good enough - it is what most PCs use when displaying photographs. Please note that if you take a picture on a 5 megapixel digital camera in “superfine” mode, you will likely end up with a file size for that photograph of several megabytes. Be warned! It will be OK on your local PC but totally unmanageable in an email. If we ask you for photographs for use in any other medium (for example, print medium) we will need much higher resolution electronic photographs – or preferably the real thing sent to us by post. We will tell you if we need that type of picture. Please do not send such photographs by email unless we ask you to. 
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Q: What electronic format will Angels accept Resumes/Bios/CVs in?
Like most of the world we are Microsoft Office users. So Microsoft Word format is good (.doc file). Word can also read other formats such as WordPerfect so we may be able to read something other than Word. But we cannot guarantee it! We have had trouble with some of the files from some of the stranger pieces of software out there. Check to see if you can create a file that is Word compatible. 
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Q: What happens if I send photographs or information in the wrong format?
The simple answer is that we will either not be able to read it or we will not be able to open it. We do not have the facilities to unscramble unusual file formats. So please check before you send! 
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Q: What amount of work can I expect from Angels if I am on Angels’ books?
Angels cannot and will not guarantee you any work. We are not in a position to do so. The process of joining Angels does not imply that you will get work from Angels and you should not assume that by registering with Angels you will automatically receive work. We receive contracts from our customers and clients for events and shows and photographic shoots, etc. and we use our best judgement and experience to select the right people for that client and for that event.
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You Would Like to Employ Angels:

Q: How much notice does Angels require to provide me with models or promotion staff?
As much as you can give! We can obviously work with clients on short notice but the pool of good available talent gets to be less and less the closer you get to the date of your event. We register high quality, professional staff at Angels and they are always in demand. They get booked weeks and months ahead for events. If you see someone you like on our web site, for example, and your event is next week, the odds of that person being available are going to be slim! If you have an event coming up, please call us well ahead of the date!  
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Q: Will Angels send me advance information on available models or promotion staff before I make a booking commitment?
Yes. We always send information on the people we put forward for your event for you to see. We believe that you need as much information as possible for you to be happy with your choice and satisfied with the quality of person you are getting. Having said that, we pride ourselves in being able to choose the right person for the job. We will put forward the people we believe will do the best job for the specific purpose or at the specific event or venue you are using.  
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Q: Does Angels have terms of business?
Yes. When you make a booking enquiry with Angels we will send you our terms of business which includes all of the information about bookings, cancellations, fees, etc.  
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Q: Are there cancellation charges if we book people and then cancel them?
Yes. Please be aware that, as with all agencies, there is a cancellation clause in our contract and terms of business. Charges vary according to how much notice is given. If you hire people through Angels (or any other agency) you must bear in mind that you are hiring people who will probably find it difficult to get replacement work if you cancel close to the date of your event. A cancellation fee is compensation to the person that would have worked for loss of their earnings.
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